
About Us

Patty Flott, an Alzheimer's disease and related dementia care educator and consultant, founded Remembering Rose in honor of her grandmother, Rose Gallizzo.

Rose, died with late on-set dementia in 1994. She lived with dementia for several years before passing away. She was told to go home and get her affairs in order as there was very little that could be done to help Rose or her family at that time. Dementia care education, support and services have come a long way since then. Patty has spent the last 17 years in eldercare passionately working to assist professionals, families, individuals and communities to better understand cognitive impairment so that those with dementia can live well and communities can become better educated on Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.

Patty has been certified by the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners( NCCDP) as a Certified Dementia Practioner (CDP), an Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer (CADDCT), a Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional (CMDCP) a Certified Dementia Support Group Facilitator (CDSGF) and as a Certified First Responder Dementia Trainer, (CFRDT).  Patty presents the Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care seminar (ADDC), the Certified First Responder- Dementia Trained (CFR-DT) and the Certified Dementia Volunteer (CDV) seminars through the NCCDP and numerous other workshops and in-service presentations.

Patty started Remembering Rose to deliver current, dementia care education through a positive interactive and engaging curriculum that is tailored toward her audience. Remembering Rose is dedicated to bringing dementia awareness and education to individuals, families and communities so that people with dementia will have a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose and a shared belief that all people with dementia will have their needs met with respect and dignity.


Dementia Care Consultant, Educator & Speaker

Remembering Rose Dementia Care Education and Consultations